You received an email from a client or your manager that they've invited you to manage the business Facebook Page, but where the heck do you go to accept it?! It's not popping up in your notifications or email and you really don't want to bother them about it... Don't worry, I've been there! Sometimes you don't get notified via email or notifications (even when Facebook says to look there. Below I've outlined a few places to look before checking back in with your client or manager...

First off, in order to accept Facebook Page Role invites you must first be friends with the person inviting you to manage the page.
To accept an invitation for a role or access on a Page, you can either:
Click the notification and then click Accept.
Click Confirm in the email.
If you're not seeing the invite in your notifications here are a couple other places you can find page invites is:
Click Pages (flag icon) in the left-hand navigation, then click Invites.
View the Business Page you are being invited to manage and click the Accept Invite button just under the cover photo.
