Let’s chat on Facebook Groups and why they might be a good place for you and your business.

First off, what is a Facebook Group and who do Facebook Groups make sense for? A Facebook group is a space on social media for friends, followers, or people with similar interests to discuss or share topics of any kind with other people who share their similar interests. Groups provide an amazing space for organic discussion about your industry, products, or services while also presenting the opportunity to cultivate deeper connections and understanding of your target audience, which is the ultimate goal!
Niche Audiences
Facebook groups offer several benefits for businesses. A very important benefit as I discussed above is by increasing your brand's awareness. This is the goal of most businesses on social media and with the use of these Facebook groups, you are able to target a super niche audience and build authentic connections which in turn increase awareness about you and your brand! Another way these groups positively affect your business is they help build trust with your target audience because you're sharing authentic content with the goal of building meaningful connections, while on your main page you may be more focused on promoting your product or service.
A Place Where You Can Feel Supported
People also have to make the conscious choice to join and engage within a group which makes for a much more intimate space than just a simple follow on social media. Think of the people in your Facebook groups as a support group. A place where they can talk to people who might be experiencing similar problems, ask for advice, learn new strategies, etc. Facebook groups shouldn't be just an extension of your business page, but rather a place for private discussion and networking.
Build Authentic Connections in Private
When you build these authentic connections privately, it also helps the overall success of your social media pages because these same people will love to interact with your posts. They'll also be excited to share your content with their friends because they feel like they have a more meaningful connection to you or your brand.
Customer Feedback
Customer feedback is also a very important aspect of all businesses. To be able to hear in great detail exactly what people think about your product or service is extremely helpful to keep your customer's happy while also gaining new ones. Facebook groups make this easy for businesses to receive valuable feedback! You might share a new product or service with your Facebook group first with the goal of getting honest feedback before you go public with it.
Your Own Private Club
Another part of Facebook Groups that not many people think about is the aspect of secrecy. When Facebook groups are private and the customers must request the group and have to be accepted in order to view the content. Everyone wants to feel like they are a part of something exclusive or be 'in' on the inside joke. Creating a private group increases the desire for people to be accepted.
If used correctly, Facebook groups have the potential to benefit your business in many ways. Creating consistent content, promoting it to those who have an interest in your product or service, and engaging with your audience as frequently as possible will benefit your business exponentially. Doing all of these things will help create a more personal relationship with the audience you currently have and also help you grow your audience as well!